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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Temple City AYSO Region 98

Region 98 EXTRA Program

Region 98 EXTRA™ Program

Our region is creating the opportunity to offer an AYSO EXTRA™ program for this coming season. EXTRA™ is a program that offers organized soccer for players who are looking to play at a more competitive level. This program maintains the AYSO philosophies, giving the players fair playing time. As other Area 1C regions are instilling their EXTRA™ programs, this will enable our competitive teams to progress.

Game and tournaments will be held throughout Southern California so families can expect an ample amount of traveling with this program. The season begins August 1 and runs through February 2020. Tournament play can continue from March thru July 2020.  Players in EXTRA™ will not be eligible to participate in the Fall CORE nor the all-star season. 

The interest in players, coaches, the ability to provide higher-ranked referees and the ability to commit for the year is what will factor into us being able to form EXTRA™ teams. Volunteerism is a big factor for being a part of the EXTRA™ program as well.  Families would be expected to give back to their Region via volunteer hours that could be completed by refereeing Fall CORE games, working the snack bar, setting up fields, etc.
The EXTRA™ teams are formed based on tryouts conducted by impartial coaches that are not from Region 98. Tryouts dates will be announced soon. Concurrently, EXTRA™ coaches are submitting their interest in being considered as a coach for an EXTRA™ team. If we do not have enough interest from a specific division from players and/or coaches, tryouts will not be held for that division. .

The annual cost of the program will likely be around $500 and scholarships are not be available. This fee would include field use, two uniforms, a backpack, training and participation in the EXTRA™ season.  If you have already paid for the Fall CORE season, the money paid for registration will be transferred toward the EXTRA™ fee.

To sign up for tryouts, please log on to your Sports Connect account and register for this season's Extra Competitive Soccer program if it is available for your age group.

We are concurrently looking for coaches too and will only form a team if we have a qualified coach and enough players interested to form a team in any given division.  Divisions range from 9U - 14U.

For more questions, please e-mail: [email protected]

EXTRA is run nationally and by our AYSO Section 1 organization. For more information, visit the Section 1 EXTRA Program homepage.

Best regards,
Region 98

EXTRA Program Description

AYSO EXTRA, a COMPETITIVE PROGRESSIVE PLAYER PROGRAM, is designed for players who have the interest, skills, abilities and commitment to enhance their experience and individual growth through soccer while retaining the spirit of AYSO. EXTRA is not designed to overshadow the standard primary program – rather the goal is to strengthen AYSO by recruiting and retaining players and volunteers through providing more competitive play the AYSO way – all EXTRA programs embrace the Six Philosophies of AYSO. Additional information on the AYSO EXTRA program can be found at

AYSO EXTRA Side by Side Tryouts* will be offered in Region 98 in the following divisions:


Number of Players on the Field

Number of Players on the Roster

Coach Certification Required

Referee Certification Required** (3)

















* Tryouts in Divisions where there are not enough qualified players or appropriately trained volunteers may be cancelled.
** Referees must be at this level or actively working to obtain this level.

  AYSO Region 98 is offering a Side by Side EXTRA™ Program. Due to the competitive nature of the EXTRA program, a player on the EXTRA™ team will only be registered on the EXTRA™ team which will run from September through February, including a regular season, competitive league playoffs and tournaments.  Side by Side EXTRA™ players are NOT eligible for the regular fall season and All-Stars, but can choose to participate in YDP and/or Tournaments. Players cannot be on an AYSO Region 98 EXTRA roster and a club roster simultaneously.

EXTRA™ Program games will be played on Saturdays and/or Sundays throughout AYSO Section 1, with approximately half of the games on Region 98 fields and the remainder throughout AYSO Section 1 (primarily Los Angeles County). All players are guaranteed to play 3/4 of the game in regular season EXTRA play.

Players will participate in a minimum of two practice sessions a week on Region 98 fields. One will be led by their coach and one by a dedicated EXTRA trainer.

 Player Selection

Players will be selected for Region 98’s EXTRA™ Program team based on evaluations by impartial evaluators at standardized tryouts.  Full participation in at least one tryout session is a requirement for selection. Players must do the following:

·         Register for the Regular AYSO 98 Fall Season through Regular Registration (players who make the EXTRA team are then transferred over to the EXTRA program once their payments are complete)

·         Fill out the AYSO Region 98 EXTRA Player Application

·         Sign up for AYSO EXTRA Tryouts prior to attending the tryout.

Parent Participation
With EXTRA Play comes EXTRA Responsibility. Every EXTRA family is REQUIRED to participate in a significant region wide volunteer opportunity to support the Region and/or the EXTRA Program. The EXTRA responsibility must be approved by the EXTRA Coordinator.

If selected, players will pay the initial regional registration fee at regular registration.

The additional fee of $500 will be paid completely by July 1st. This will include:

·         Full uniform

·         Backpack

·         Administrative Costs (e.g., yearly tryouts, EXTRA program fees)

An individual team or group of EXTRA teams may choose to pay for more services as a team (e.g, additional technical training, fitness and agility training, tournaments, warm up suits, etc).

AYSO EXTRA Tryout Information

AYSO Extra Tryouts will be held on the dates below. Players must complete the AYSO Region 98 EXTRA Player Application prior to tryouts. Players must also sign up at the following link: AYSO EXTRA Tryouts.
Players MUST attend ONE tryout to be eligible for the team but should attend both.

*Additional tryouts may be held at a later point in time in any division to complete a team.

 Initial EXTRA Roster Selections will be communicated within two weeks.

The EXTRA Program will need its own volunteers, including an EXTRA Program Coordinator, an EXTRA treasurer, and each team will need a coach, an assistant coach, a team manager and a minimum of three referees at the appropriate level.


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Temple City AYSO Region 98

P.O. Box 881 
Temple City, California 91780

Email Us: [email protected]
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